Via regelt u uw licenties voor muziekgebruik.
Online radio
Below you will find the rates for hobby online radio stations.
Up to 100 listeners (slots): € 54,52 per month (BumaStemra and Sena)
101 to 500 listeners (slots): € 81.59 per month (BumaStemra and Sena)
For more than 500 listeners (slots), or a business radio station (registration with the Chamber of Commerce), you will find the rates on the websites of BumaStemra and Sena:
Rates business radio station BumaStemra
Rates online radio station Sena
If you choose to pay annually and pay the invoice within 30 days, a 10% administration fee will be deducted from the total amount.
You can pay per month, quarter or year. Direct debit is mandatory if you choose to pay per month.
If you decide to pay per year and you pay the invoice within 30 days, you get a 10% administration reimbursement on the total amount.
If you want to use the tariff up to 100 slots, we need this as proof.
You can send a document from your streaming provider or if you host your own server a screenshot of the number of slots.
You can cancel or change your licenses by sending an email to service@mijn stating your customer number.
The license can be canceled in writing per calendar month, subject to a notice period of one calendar month and stating the reason for cancellation.
More and more music is being offered online by both big and small users: from Spotify to hobbyists with an online radio station. They pay BumaStemra and Sena for the use of this music. BumaStemra and Sena then redistribute that money to the rightsholders. BumaStemra and Sena can for the most part precisely determine which song the money is intended for. A small part of the income, for instance that from the hobbyists, is distributed based on reference repertoire.
BumaStemra and Sena no longer provide logos to place on websites.
We speak of business online radio if you have a Kamer van Koophandel (Chamber of Commerce) registration, if you advertise or if you annually have more than 6500,- euro of relevant income.
Is your question not listed? Feel free to contact us

on weekdays 09:00-17.00
phone number 023-205 6456

Postbus 1316,
2130 EK Hoofddorp
Chamber of Commerce registration number 34286922