Sena Surcharge

You can watch the animation here.

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This has to do with a legislative amendment as of 1 January 2021.

Sena has an animation for you which clearly shows how the surcharge came into being. It will answer many questions.

You can watch the animation here.

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In accordance with the Neighbouring Rights Act only the repertoire whose original master owner is located in a country that has signed the Treaty of Rome was protected for any kind of public performance in accordance with the Sena mandate. This legislative amendment, arising from a ruling by the European Court of Justice, means that repertoire from all the countries that have signed the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT-verdrag), including the United States, must also be represented by Sena. As a result of the legislative amendment, the distinction between protection in accordance with the Treaty of Rome, or WIPO Treaty (WPPT-Verdrag), is no longer valid as of 1 January 2021. Through this, more repertoire is protected and Sena is therefore forced to levy a surcharge.

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Rome repertoire concerns music whose creator is located in a country that has signed the Treaty of Rome. Non-Rome repertoire concerns music whose creator is located in a country that has not signed the Rome Treaty. As a result of the legislative amendment, repertoire from countries that have signed the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT-Verdrag) is now also protected, which is tantamount to global repertoire.

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No, the legislative amendment only applies to Sena. On you can read a detailed description of the legislative amendment stemming from the European Court of Justice ruling.

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Sena has reached an agreement with the Copyright Commission (the “CAR”) of VNO-NCM and MKB-Nederland about the amount of the surcharge for music users. For 2024 a surcharge of 26.6% is applicable on the current tariffs.

The surcharge will be mentioned separately on the invoice. Sena actively supports the campaign to reverse the consequences of the legislative amendment. If this happens we will inform you.

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You can contact us about this via 020 - 700 9099 or send an email to

Has your question been answered?

Up until 1 January 2021 you only paid for music whose creator was located in a country that had signed the Treaty of Rome. The United States has not signed this treaty. As a consequence of the legislative amendment you now have to pay for the use of music whose creator is located in a country that has not signed the Treaty of Rome, but has signed the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty(WPPT-Verdrag). The United States has signed this treaty. As of 1 January 2021, Sena is obliged to collect for global repertoire.

Has your question been answered?

The surcharge has been negotiated between Sena and the Copyright Commission (the “CAR”) of VNO-NCW and MKB-Nederland for the year 2024.

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Contact information

on weekdays 09:00-17.00
phone number 023-205 6456

Postbus 1316, 
2130 EK Hoofddorp 
Chamber of Commerce registration number 34286922